What is Your Opinion on APPSC Introduction of Prelims & Mains for all Groups


Posted In: Group I

    • Profile photo of Rama Krishna
      Rama Krishna on #3403

      APPSC now Introducing Prelims & Mains for all Groups Services. Discuss your views here

    • Participant
      Seshubabu on #3404

      conducting prelims to every exam of appsc is not good because we are not preparing ias ips exams.. preparing for ordinary jr asst.. clearks…

    • Participant
      Kiranraj on #3419

      I support conducting prelims & mains as there is a heavy competition also there will be less fraudulent activity during appointments in particular about bribe but it will be better if APPSC announces date / time limit for every stage or else prelims is of no use …..

      • Profile photo of Rama Krishna
        Rama Krishna on #3420

        That is correct but Instead of prelims and mains why don’t they increase the toughness of questions asked in the examination then only worth enough candidates will be selected.

        filter is not require. it is better to ask difficult and practical questions in exam

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