Changes in Civil Services Prelims 2015


Posted In: Civils

    • Profile photo of chaitanya
      chaitanya on #3182

      New Changes Adopted in the Prelims Exam:

      The candidates to be qualified for Civil Service (Main) Exam based on the criterion of minimum qualifying marks of 33% in the General Studies Paper-II (CSAT) in the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination and the total qualifying marks of General Studies Paper-I as may be determined by the UPSC.
      The English Language comprehension skill portion from General Studies Paper-II of Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination will continue to remain excluded.

      New Changes Adopted in the Main Exam:

      The minimum qualifying marks for the qualifying papers of English and Indian Language papers in the Main Exam is set at 25% marks.

      For more details, click here

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