The list of the Posts or services under Group-I
1. Deputy Collectors in A.P. Civil Service (Executive Branch)
2. Commercial Tax Officers in A.P. Commercial Taxes Service.
3. Deputy Supdt. of Police (Civil) Cat-2 in A.P. Police Service
4. Deputy Supdt. of Jails (MEN) in A.P. Jail Service
5. Divisional Fire Officers in Fire & Emergency Services
6. District Registrar in A.P. Registration and Stamps Service
7. District Tribal Welfare Officer in A.P. Tribal Welfare Service.
8. District Employment Officer in Employment Service
9. Asst. Treasury Officer/Asst. Accounts Officer in A.P. Treasury & Accounts
10. Deputy Registrar in A.P. Cooperative Service
11. District Panchayat Raj Officers in Panchayat Raj Service.
12. Regional Transport Officers in A.P. Transport Service
13. District Social Welfare Officer in A.P. Social Welfare Service.
14. District B.C. Welfare Officer in B.C. Welfare Service
15. Municipal Commissioner Grade-II in A.P. Municipal Administration Service
16. Mandal Parishad Development Officer in A.P. Panchayat Raj and Rural
17. Development Service
18. Lay Secretary / Administrative Officer in Medical and Health
19. Assistant Prohibition & Excise Superintendent in A.P. Prohibition &
Excise Service
20. Assistant Audit Officer in A.P. Local Fund Audit Service.